Sunday, April 5, 2015

End of the Week/Start of the Week

Today, I hung out with my mom and my daughter; we went to Barnes and Noble after telling my mom I'd like to take my daughter. After browsing the stacks for a while in the Spanish section, my mom finally picked a book and she decided to buy it. We browsed the store with my daughter and my mom mentioned a couple of times how she planned to buy this book now and another book next time she came back. This made me think that she actually enjoyed the trip to the bookstore. 

Afterward, we stopped by Jack in the Box to buy my mom a salad on the way home. As I ordered at the drive-thru I noticed a cat on top of a parked car and I backed the car up so my daughter would see it. I noticed the drive-thru girl saw us through the window and she seemed confused. I drove up to the window and noticed the girl was an ex-student of mine. After an awkward conversation (which most interactions with students outside the classroom almost always are) she gave me my salad and we drove off. Before leaving the drive-thru, I noticed my salad was missing the grilled chicken; this was a grilled chicken salad without chicken. Needless to say, I drove back and asked her for the chicken; she reluctantly complied. 

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